2001 Jing-Yeh Hao Yi Wu Wild Old Tree Pu-erh, Uncooked 357g

99綠大樹之父葉炳懷訂製 , 2001勐海茶廠出品, 敬業號貢品 – 市場稱 “綠太陽”!

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Special-ordered by the father of 1999 Green Big Tree Mr. Yeh in 2001 from the Meng Hao Factory, this nicknamed “Green Sun” Jing-Yeh Hao is quickly been considered as the successor of the legend of 1999 Green Big Tree. It has all four main collection value factors as its predecessor.

After having the bold 2001 Xia Guan Huan-yin, I did a back-to-back tasting of this cake – the difference between the two 2001 siblings was astounding. Unlike its wild brother, this tea is so charmingly sweet, soothing, and personal. Hard to describe why I use the word “personal” for a tea, but it’s like it invites you for a journey of self-reflection, and shows you in the end, only sweet memory remain. It is Audrey Hepburn at Tiffany’s, it is the sad-sweetness from A River Run Through It. It is unmistakenly true Yi Wu!

After 15 years of storage in Houston, it has turned out to be more finesse-styled than the Xia Guan Huan-yin. The aroma profile is centered around the deep honey-sweet – and this is the root note. On this root note, this tea exhibits aromas and flavors of damp earth, spicy woodiness, a little fruity acidity, no smokiness at all. Medium to full-bodied, lushness in the after taste.

Can it reach the quality that its big brother 1999 Green Big Tree has achieved? No doubt. However, can it successfully reach the same height and inherit the crown? It’s going to be very challenging since the 1999 Green Big Tree’s market value is already one order of magnitude higher.

2019 audition price for 8 pieces was higher than RMB 50,000 (> USD 9,00 / piece):

This cake was featured in No 69 of Tea Art magazine:



Additional information

Order Size

1oz Sample, Whole Cake


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