2023 Taiwan Bei-Pu Bai Hao Oolong (Oriental Beauty) 2 oz


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Harvest: 2023

Method: Hand harvest

Location: Bai Pu, Hsin Zhu County, Taiwan

Fermentation/Roating: > 50%/ no roasting

Cultivar: Chin-shin da-pan

Description: Regarded as the genuine “Taiwan oolong”, unlike tie guan yin, bao zhong, or dong-ding whose making skills originated in China, the making skill of Bai Hao originated in Taiwan. The tea makers’ wisdom to turn the summer-harvested leaves after tender leaves being sucked by tiny leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) into highly praised and pursued teas is one of the most marvelous tea romances.

The dry leaves consist of lovely green, white, and brown/dark red colors, with very elegant and slim twisted stripe shapes.

The liquor has a bright light-amber color, with crystal-clear clarity. Splendidly rich aromas of ripe fruits, berries, and refreshing flowers are in abundance in each steeping.

The slightly acidic fruitiness in the taste is hearty and invigorating. It adds complexity to the taste profile and elongates the after-taste feeling. Some suggest using a cooler temperature like 195F to avoid the bitterness/harshness that is usually natural in summer teas, but I have used almost near-boiling water with this tea and almost no harshness at all. But surely it is worth exploring this tea with different brewing and tasting temperatures to enjoy its complexity.

The evidence of “hand-harvested” can be clearly seen in the larger image: only the hand-harvested teas would unfurl to a complete “bud-leaves-stem” system.


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